Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Downtown Mall Advertisement

While we were on our fieldtrip to the downtown mall, we were to take pictures of companies then, in Photoshop, when we got back to school, we created a T-shirt and a poster advertising the company. The company I used was Urban Outfitters.

The first form of advertsing I did was a T-shirt. This shirt has a picture that I took and it advertises the spring clothing lines that are to be coming out.

The poster I made uses different aspects of the picture I took outside of Urban Outfitters, such as; the boxes at the bottom (I warped them to change the perspective), the ribbons draped from the top, and the complete picture I took was used in the word URBAN along with a picture of a city skyline I found on Google. The main picture was a picture of the inside of the store.

Picture Worth 1000 Words

This was definitely a fun and quick project. We started with a high contrast photo and selected the shadows and mid tones to be put onto a separate layer. Then we overlaid that layer onto a layer mask on layer filled with text. Then we set a gradient color to brighten the picture.

Choice Project

For this project we were given the freedom to choose whatever we wanted to do on Photoshop and create a project of our choice. My favorite Photoshop skill is making collages. So I combined my interest in fashion with my interest in collages. I took different prints and used them as backgrounds and I also created borders around the manequins. Also, I found a dress form online, but I used material that I found and layered it on top of the dress form. Then I thought of the first thing that came to mind when I saw the picture. In the first picture I thought the outfit looked more edgy, so to accentuate that I chose bright red lips and put them with the outfit. I thought the second outfit to be more proper so pearls seemed to fit.

Jerry Ulsemann Replication

In this project we had to find a picture done by famous photographer Jerry Ulsemann and replicate it. What makes his work special is the way he makes the pictures. Ulsemann takes pictures using a photography camera and in the dark room he edits the pictures together, creating the illusion of surrealism. So instead of using a dark room to combine my images I used my skills with Photoshop to give the same effect.

Friday, March 11, 2011


To make this project we had to take multiple pictures of the same scene handmade from clay that we formed into a rocketship, aliens, a spaceman, and a planet. However, after every picture we took, we had to move our characters to give them the effect of being a movie once we put all the pictures that were taken (214) together, in order and added music, transitions, a title and credits.