Thursday, February 3, 2011

Balance Collages

The first collage that I did was a symetrical collage about myself. I scanned in pictures from my past in all different locations; vacation, field trips and park trips with my cousin. Also, I used a map of the east coast as my background because that is where i've lived my whole life. I put a star on Philadelphia because I grew up there and had a dotted line going from Philadelphia to Charlottesville because that is where we moved to.

The second collage I did was a collage that showed asymmetry and represents something that inspired me. In this case, it was vintage/old fashioned things that sparked me. So to do the collage I imported pictures off of google, including numerous pictures of lace and jewelry, mirrors, and portraits that reminded me of my subject.

The next collage that I designed for this project was one of radial symmetry for an advertisement. I have always admired the powerful simplicity of Nike ads, so to mimic those characteristics I picked a single photo of a powerful athlete, a boxer, and used their slogan: JUST DO IT, then let my Photoshop skills do the rest. I made a halo effect around his glove to emphasize that particular part of the picture. Then, around that I made what look to be glowing lights by using the pen tool and setting the outer glow color to really draw attention.

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