Friday, May 27, 2011

Birth Of Venus

This was by far the most time consuming project that we have done yet, it tested all of our Photoshop skills, and even some that were in Adobe Illustrator, which is similar to that of Photoshop. This is a very modern take on Birth Of Venus that reminds me of an alien almost because of the outer space setting. Here is the original compared to the replica:

Word And Brushes

For this project the directions were to use your imagination and think of a word, write it in Photoshop, then upload brushes in order to make it look cooler. My first word was Imagination and I had to upload a ton of different brushes in order to make it look like it does. I am really happy with the way that this came out!

For my second word I chose Fly and uploaded multiple butterfly and cloud brushes in order to get it to look the way it does.

Doodle 4 Google

Doodle 4 Google was one of my favorite projects becasue we could choose whatever we wanted to do a Google design for. I chose to make one for Elvis Presley's birthday.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


HDR (High Dynamic Range) is a type of photography that essentially means that you will change the exposure of the picture you take. I will show the before and after pictures of my HDR project.



Physics In Photography

For this project we were to take a picture and write a small essay all of which was about how our picture that we took relates directly to a physics concept. I did air resistance, and I showed air resistance by having a friend of mine blow a dandelion puff so that some of the seeds blew away and I captured that in my photo.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


For this project we had to use our creativity to create a watermark/copyright symbol using a black brush tool and a transparent background that we could use to protect our work. This is an example of my watermark on a picture that I took over spring break.

Vintage Photograph

To create a vintage picture I used a Photoshop tutorial on how to give a picture that was taken with a new age camera, vintage effects. I had to perform many steps to achieve this final piece. For instance, I had to change color balances, gradients and hues to offset the red and I had to overlay stain patterns and download a picture of the wood and make even more adjustments to that! This picture was taken in South Carolina during my spring break.

Spreing Break Scrapbook

Over spring break our shooting assignment was to document our time off from school. For spring break my family and I went to Seabrook Island, South Carolina and enjoyed our time in paradise! I took numerous pictures of everything that happened, but I chose to use these pictures for this particular project, to make a scrapbook page. I love to scrapbook, so making a page using Photoshop was pretty cool.

Splash Of Color

This project was done by choosing a picture of our choice and changing the color to black and white and adding a layer mask to the image. Then, using a black brush tool I painted out the black and white where I wanted the color that was underneath to show through. For this specific project I chose a white bengal tiger that had blue eyes and I decided I wanted to make the tiger's extrordinary eyes pop.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Downtown Mall Advertisement

While we were on our fieldtrip to the downtown mall, we were to take pictures of companies then, in Photoshop, when we got back to school, we created a T-shirt and a poster advertising the company. The company I used was Urban Outfitters.

The first form of advertsing I did was a T-shirt. This shirt has a picture that I took and it advertises the spring clothing lines that are to be coming out.

The poster I made uses different aspects of the picture I took outside of Urban Outfitters, such as; the boxes at the bottom (I warped them to change the perspective), the ribbons draped from the top, and the complete picture I took was used in the word URBAN along with a picture of a city skyline I found on Google. The main picture was a picture of the inside of the store.

Picture Worth 1000 Words

This was definitely a fun and quick project. We started with a high contrast photo and selected the shadows and mid tones to be put onto a separate layer. Then we overlaid that layer onto a layer mask on layer filled with text. Then we set a gradient color to brighten the picture.

Choice Project

For this project we were given the freedom to choose whatever we wanted to do on Photoshop and create a project of our choice. My favorite Photoshop skill is making collages. So I combined my interest in fashion with my interest in collages. I took different prints and used them as backgrounds and I also created borders around the manequins. Also, I found a dress form online, but I used material that I found and layered it on top of the dress form. Then I thought of the first thing that came to mind when I saw the picture. In the first picture I thought the outfit looked more edgy, so to accentuate that I chose bright red lips and put them with the outfit. I thought the second outfit to be more proper so pearls seemed to fit.

Jerry Ulsemann Replication

In this project we had to find a picture done by famous photographer Jerry Ulsemann and replicate it. What makes his work special is the way he makes the pictures. Ulsemann takes pictures using a photography camera and in the dark room he edits the pictures together, creating the illusion of surrealism. So instead of using a dark room to combine my images I used my skills with Photoshop to give the same effect.

Friday, March 11, 2011


To make this project we had to take multiple pictures of the same scene handmade from clay that we formed into a rocketship, aliens, a spaceman, and a planet. However, after every picture we took, we had to move our characters to give them the effect of being a movie once we put all the pictures that were taken (214) together, in order and added music, transitions, a title and credits.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Experimentation With Line

This was a project that we were instructed to take pictures of lines for. They could be of any lines that we saw. These are two examples of pictures I took and edited.

To the first picture, I set it onto another project with a white background and used lasso tools and stamp tools to give the lines the effect of dragging out past the original picture. However, to keep the photo from looking overdone, I only extended a few lines.

For the second picture I edited, I used a picture that represented perspective and cut and pasted the section of the photo that had the perspective and drug it out to make it stand out and seem larger.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Exploring Photography

Some types of photography that i am interested in using for this shooting assignment are Animal/Pet, Artistic, Black and White, Night, and People. These are examples of those particular categories:



Black and White



And now for my take on five different types of photography!

The first I did was sports instead of portrait. This picture was taken at my brother's hockey tournament in Washington D.C. I then edited it in camera raw to make it more realistic and more vibrant.

The second picture I took and edited was during the night. I took a picture of a lantern on the wall in my kitchen while it was illuminated. Then I altered the settings only a little bit to make it stand out a little better.

Next, I did a picture that was in black and white. Originally the picture was taken in color, but in Adobe Camera Raw I changed it to be black and white because I thought that setting looked best with the specific picture.

For my fourth picture that I did, I chose to do something artistic. So, I took a picture of the stove in my kitchen, and to make it a little more bright, I turned on the gas so that you could see the bright flame. Then, in Adobe Camera Raw, I turned up the vibrancy and saturation so that all the reds and oranges were brighter.

Lastly, I took a picture that couold be considered Macro Photography. Macro Photography is the art of shooting images up close without being blurry. In this case I took a picture of a dress frame that held jewelry. Then, in Adobe Camera Raw, I edited the picture so that the background would be a little bit more blurry in order to draw the focus to the main part of the picture.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Balance Collages

The first collage that I did was a symetrical collage about myself. I scanned in pictures from my past in all different locations; vacation, field trips and park trips with my cousin. Also, I used a map of the east coast as my background because that is where i've lived my whole life. I put a star on Philadelphia because I grew up there and had a dotted line going from Philadelphia to Charlottesville because that is where we moved to.

The second collage I did was a collage that showed asymmetry and represents something that inspired me. In this case, it was vintage/old fashioned things that sparked me. So to do the collage I imported pictures off of google, including numerous pictures of lace and jewelry, mirrors, and portraits that reminded me of my subject.

The next collage that I designed for this project was one of radial symmetry for an advertisement. I have always admired the powerful simplicity of Nike ads, so to mimic those characteristics I picked a single photo of a powerful athlete, a boxer, and used their slogan: JUST DO IT, then let my Photoshop skills do the rest. I made a halo effect around his glove to emphasize that particular part of the picture. Then, around that I made what look to be glowing lights by using the pen tool and setting the outer glow color to really draw attention.

iStock Photo Collage

For this project we added pictures from iStock and used our imaginations to create a collage with a minimum of ten pictures used.